
Yekki ninka hombo burjeenka aadaa ya emelitoo iyyaa websitid yettaa argee ilaalagaa borseenchinkoo.Teeymma Burjeenta aanteechi  aagulinka olchood segan zoonid qa itta.Ka websitid shashayaa misili,shibr ya heeto angurissaa gasi qa issa isatta  tagoonna dooysamaa.

Burjeechi aanti gulinta ya bitaatte Oromiyaanka olichuhuni,mirgittee Konsoonka ya gubbey gama Amaaroonta aanteechi qa gabalisattaa.Annteeshi 90 tanna  kumagaa gabee gume godhataadi har'ashi ya dalidaleeyhu dhiichi dammanta hujee qaa.

Kanagaa giddi ilaalamatta argeega ya hawweega qafchinko hedoo ninsagaa ushinkootana gaa achinaami gannanee galataa qa dhaqqasinaa.

This website was created through funding provided by the European Union. The contents of this website can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/ethiopia_en | https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/index_en